Past Issues

Atomic and Molecular Ground State Energy Estimation of Hydrogen and Hydrogenic Molecules

Asif Zaidi*

Adjunct faculty, Physics and Astronomy at University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada

*Corresponding Author: Asif Zaidi, Adjunct faculty, Physics and Astronomy at University of Waterloo, 200 University Avenue West, Waterloo, ON, Canada; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: February 3, 2023

Publication Date: March 30, 2023

Citation: Zaidi A. (2023). Atomic and Molecular Ground State Energy Estimation of  Hydrogen and Hydrogenic Molecules. Material Science. 5(2):18.

Copyright: Zaidi A. © (2023). 


This method enables one to calculate the binding energy of the ground state accurately for hydrogen molecule in a close form. Also, one can calculate the ground state binding energy of alkali metal homonuclear diatomic molecules. Ground state molecular energies can be calculated only by knowing the respective atomic ground and first excited state principle quantum numbers with their atomic ionization potential. This was possible by considering a bound electron as a vibrating string around a nucleus. The method exploits the Compton wavelength of an electron as a natural unit of length for atomic and molecular systems.

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