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Lightweight, Cost-Effective, and Environmentally Friendly Materials for a Mountain Bicycle Frame during High-Impact Riding: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Aluminum, Aluminum 6013, and a BioMid Fiber™ Composite

Rishi Bansal1*, Basma Altaf2

1Del Norte High School, 16601 Nighthawk Ln, San Diego, CA 92127, USA

2Stanford University, USA

*Corresponding Author: Rishi Bansal, Del Norte High School, 16601 Nighthawk Ln, San Diego, CA 92127, USA; Tel: +1-858-776-2311; Email: [email protected]

Received Date: November 22, 2023

Publication Date:  December 4, 2023

Citation: Bansal R, et al. (2023). Lightweight, Cost-Effective, and Environmentally Friendly Materials for a Mountain Bicycle Frame during High-Impact Riding: A Comparative Analysis of Traditional Aluminum, Aluminum 6013, and a BioMid Fiber™ Composite. Material Science. 5(2):22.

Copyright: Bansal R, et al. © (2023). 


This literature review paper examines and compares three materials for a mountain bicycle frame: traditional aluminum, aluminum 6013, and a BioMid Fiber™ composite. Aluminum 6013 and the BioMid Fiber™ composite are alternatives to the aluminum alloys traditionally used in mountain bicycle frames: aluminum 6013 and aluminum 7005. These three materials were compared based on their strength, weight, cost, and environmental sustainability. Causes of failure were examined and design modifications were also considered. This work concluded that out of the four factors taken into account, aluminum 6013 and a hybrid of the BioMid Fiber™ composite with aluminum were favorable in two out of the four categories, whereas traditional aluminum was only favorable in one of these categories.

Keywords: Mountain biking; Materials engineering; Environmentally friendly materials; Mountain bicycle frame and design; Alternative materials for mountain biking; Aluminum alternatives

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